Here at Air Extreme, trampolining is our passion – and, as the Air Extreme name implies, trampolines and trampoline walls are used for extreme sport. While we do everything in our power to minimise the potential risks and to help you enjoy your visit, it’s important for everyone taking part to understand the element of risk involved.
This is set out clearly in our terms and conditions, which everyone is asked to read. Anyone using our trampolines and bouncing equipment is considered to have accepted these Ts&Cs.
Our equipment is tested to exacting standards and our crew are there to ensure your safety. They will remove anyone whose behaviour is putting themselves – or others – at risk. Their say is final!
Air Extreme safety features:
Our trampolines are surrounded by cushioned walls, soft yet strong enough for jumpers to bounce off.
The framework and springs on our trampolines are securely covered by robust foam padding.
The areas adjoining the trampolines are covered in soft foam padding and are built to be on the same level as the trampolines.
The Air Bag is made from high quality, fire-resistant material and is manufactured to exacting specifications. It provides a soft landing for jumpers who want to practise new tricks safely.
There’s an additional layer of netting on the top of the walls surrounding the trampolines and around the slam dunk area.
All equipment is checked on a regular basis.
The crew ensures jumpers are using the trampolines, slam dunk, dodgeball and Air Bag areas safely.
For your safety:
Air Extreme waiver form must be read and signed by all guests before jumping
For under 18s, a parent or legal guardian must sign the waiver form
Air Extreme trampoline socks to be worn when jumping (no other socks, and no shoes)
Wear your coloured wristband at all times during your visit
Only one person at a time on a trampoline
No “double bouncing”
Land on both feet in the middle of the trampoline, keeping away from the padded edges
Give way to jumpers who are younger and/or smaller than you
Know your limits – don’t try moves or flips beyond your ability
Our crew are there to keep you safe. They have the final say!
Important notice:
NO double somersaults
NO flips or tricks across the safety pads
DO NOT land or jump on the safety padding
DO NOT sit or lie on the trampolines
DO NOT grab hold of the safety pads or safety netting
DO NOT run, wrestle, play-fight or swear
DO NOT jump if you are pregnant or have a medical condition which makes trampolining a health risk
DO NOT jump if you weigh more than 17st 7lb (or 111kg)
DO NOT use mobiles, cameras or videos while jumping
NO food or drink (including chewing gum) on the trampolines
DO NOT wear belts with buckles, clothing with studs, jewellery, piercings or key chains
NO sharp objects or loose change when jumping
DO NOT attempt to enter the park under the influence of drugs or alcohol